18 Oct Not Outsourcing
Is it “Outsourcing”?

The different between Offshore Team and Outsourcing is significant.
“Offshore Team” versus “Outsourcing”
These two terms are quite different, and its important to understand the difference. Outsourcing is where a portion of a business’s operations are handed to a third party business to execture. This happens all the time within Australian shores, where Australian businesses contract other Australian businesses to fill a specific need.
In a global sense, Outsourcing is the same method, but contracts a foreign company to execute. For example, an Australian company might Outsource its inbound customer call centre to a company in another country who specialises in being an inbound call centre. Whether its global or local, Outsourcing requires deep expertise in the business processes that you are having executed by another organisation (and possibly expertise in your industry too), otherwise quality will suffer. These days Outsourcing is typically for larger organisations only, and is only recommended for certain industries.
Setting up an Offshore Team is very different. This involves hiring staff the same way that you do in Australia. You have positions to fill, and you recruit and select specific candidates to fill those positions. You manage those people in the same way you manage your Australian staff although often there is a third party provider who handles all the local HR regulations, and some supervision to make it easier for you.
With your Offshore Team, the control is yours, the systems are yours, and the quality of the result is yours. You’re not giving a portion of your business to another company to control, you’re simply hiring staff in another country to perform the tasks in the same way that you’ve always done them.
In this way you are also 100% certain that the wages, working conditions, and satisfaction of your offshore team are all excellent.
Having an Offshore Team to complement and expand your Australian team is enjoyable and rewarding if done in the right way.